Lili Hanft

Lili Hanft

Lili is passionate about the power of real food to support the body’s innate ability to heal. She believes that nourishing ourselves with nutrient-dense foods can be a profound source of joy and empowerment. She seeks to inspire people to become excited about cooking, explore local and seasonal foods, and discover how nutrition can transform their health.

After graduating summa cum laude from St Olaf College, Lili pursued her longtime interest in holistic health by enrolling in the Nutritional Therapy Association’s Practitioner program. Since becoming an Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Lili has worked with one-on-one clients and taught nutrition workshops through Open Door Integrative Wellness and other
organizations in New Hampshire and Vermont. She particularly enjoys teaching virtual cooking
classes and has contributed health and wellness articles to the magazine Taste for Life.

As a FNTP, Lili sees symptoms as clues to underlying imbalances in the foundations of health,
including nutrient intake, digestion, and blood sugar regulation. She uses a diet tailored to each
person’s bioindividual needs to restore balance in these systems. Consultations with Lili
emphasize education on the “whys” behind nutritional recommendations, as well as support with
the practical steps of dietary change: food sourcing, batch cooking, and creating balanced meals.
In addition to cooking and learning about nutrition, Lili enjoys spending time in nature, reading,
drawing, knitting, and social dancing.

Follow Lili on Instagram @nutrientdensenourishment to see her latest culinary creations.