Ep. 15 – The Autoimmune Paleo Diet: What It Is, the Science Behind It, and Who Can Benefit
In this episode, Seth is joined by Lili Hanft, as they discuss the AIP Diet theory and the science behind why it can help improve symptoms.
Ep 14: Getting Out of Survival Mode Using Polyvagal Theory
The Polyvagal Theory can be harnessed to help patients move out of fight or flight and into rest and digest mode for improved wellbeing.
Ep 13: A Functional Approach to Headaches and Migraines with Dr. Meg Mill
Forget hiding out in a dark silent room when a migrain strikes and discover root-cause solutions in this interview with Dr. Meg Mill!
Ep 12: Solving SIBO with a Root-Cause Approach
In this special episode, Dr. Osgood shares how to overcome IBS and SIBO with a root-cause approach, including the right testing and probiotics to use.
Ep 11: Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI) 101 with Jana Roso
Low-dose immunotherapy (LDI) represents a breakthrough in the treatment of allergies, autoimmunity, and chronic infections.
Ep 10: Nutrition 101: Gluten, Dairy, Sugar & More with Taylor Morgan, PA-C, RDN
Why is eating healthy so confusing?! It seems there’s a new fad every day and a mountain of conflicting info. Here we explore nutrition 101!