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Ep 8: The Stress Gut Connection with Meg Gerber, RD
Did you know everyday stressors have a big impact on your gut health? They turn off your rest & digest nervous system and can disrupt your microbiome. In this episode, a registered dietitian explains what to do about it.
5 Root Causes of Cravings and How to Eliminate Them
Cravings are nothing to be ashamed of, they are a signal from your body that something is going on below the surface. Here are the top root causes of cravings and what to do about them.
Ep 7: Hypnotherapy for Stress, Weight Loss & Chronic Pain with Karen Gray
Therapeutic hypnotherapy is an evidence-based practice that allows you to tap into the subconscious mind and create positive change. It relies on neuroscience and is a surprisingly effective tool for combating chronic disease.
The Best Way to Hydrate this Summer
Did you know drinking plain water is not the most effective way to hydrate? In order for fluids to hydrate your cells, they rely on key electrolyte minerals. Find out what they are and how to make sure you’re getting them.
How to Find Out if You Have a Food Sensitivity
With a functional medicine approach, our goal is to find the foods that work best for your body. That involves identifying your personal food sensitivities (and overcoming them if possible) to create the optimal diet for your needs.
Ep 6: Moving Beyond Medication For Mental Health with Ashley Mannell
There are safer and more effective mental health treatments than antidepressants! Ashley Mannel joins us to share a root-cause approach.