Welcome to Your 14-Day Detox

You’ve got this!

Your detox challenge begins Monday, January 14th. Here are a few important steps to take before we begin:

1. Watch this video for an overview of how to prepare and what to expect as we begin the detox protocol together.

2. Download your 14-Day Detox Guide belowThis includes instructions for when and how to prepare your shakes and take your supplements, plus dinner recipes, snack ideas, and dietary guidelines.

3. Grocery shop and prepare for next week. Choose your shake, dinner, and snack recipes from the ones provided in the guide (or use the dietary guidelines on pages 7-8 to pick your own). Then do your grocery shopping so you’re ready to jump in on Monday!

4. Join our private Facebook group and introduce yourself. This is where I’ll share bonus tips and check in to make sure you’re staying on track. If you have any questions throughout the challenge, the Facebook group is the perfect place to ask them.